He is an absolute joy! He is Grammys Handsome boy! Charley adores her baby brother and every now and then is a little jealous but for the most part she loves him dearly!
Friday, July 27, 2018
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
I was quite surprised, when I came upon the link to this blog, that I hadn't posted anything since my Mother passed away. Wow...so much has happened since then.
Nick and Jamie divorced. Dakota and Mariah got married. We have a second granddaughter, Charley Renee. She is named after her grandpa. Whom she calls papa!
Nick and Jamie divorced. Dakota and Mariah got married. We have a second granddaughter, Charley Renee. She is named after her grandpa. Whom she calls papa!
This is a picture of Mariah and Charley on Mothers Day 2017.
We have had many fun vacations. We bought a Harley the year Dakota graduated and have fun riding.
A lot of things happen in 5 short years....we are very blessed!
Our 3 Day Weekend to Niagara Falls
We took our Granddaughter Gracelyn to Niagara Falls for her Golden Birthday this year. She turned 8 of June 8th.
It was a 12 hour Road Trip and we got there late on a Friday afternoon. We checked into our hotel and then decided we needed a quick peak at the Falls.
We had to change into special sandals that the Park provided so that we wouldn't slip and fall while on the Hurricane Deck. It was a deck built between 2 of the falls and the water was cascading down all around us. Needless to say we got wet. Its a good thing that it was 75 degrees out that day.
We took our Granddaughter Gracelyn to Niagara Falls for her Golden Birthday this year. She turned 8 of June 8th.
It was a 12 hour Road Trip and we got there late on a Friday afternoon. We checked into our hotel and then decided we needed a quick peak at the Falls.
Gracelyn must have been a little tired and a little hungry after our long drive because she said...."This is not that cool". So, we decided we should find dinner somewhere.
We ended up at Hard Rock Café, Niagara Falls on the New York side for dinner.
After dinner, we went back to the falls to see it lit up at night and for a little sight seeing and pictures.
We started walking back as the fireworks started so we got to see a few but we had a really long day and wanted to beat the crowd out of the State Park.
Saturday was our fun day and Gracelyn thought things were pretty cool on Saturday. We had a great day exploring Niagara Falls State Park in Niagara Falls, New York.
We chose to do the activity pack and it featured 5 activities throughout the park. Cave in the Winds was our first stop.

And If we hadn't gotten wet enough, we decided to ride the Maid in the Mist next. It was a boat ride that took us right down into the middle of the Falls. All of that water cascading down was amazing. It truly is a sight to see.
The Maid in the Mist was definitely a highlight of our little trip. The Falls are so powerful and beautiful. I'm very happy that we were able to experience this with our Granddaughter, Gracelyn. She did tell me that it was pretty cool after all and that she was just "Hangry" the night before.
After a couple of other activities that were actually pretty lame we headed over to the Canada side of Niagara Falls for a different perspective. I have to say that the Canada side does have a better view.
and lit up at night was just beautiful.
Gracelyn had fun playing in the "C" of the Canada sign!
We had dinner at the Rain Forest Café on Saturday night. Gracelyn enjoyed it...we enjoyed the atmosphere and loved that she had so much fun. The food left little to be desired.
Sunday we headed out early for our long trip home. We decided to drive through Canada and Michigan on our way home. On the way there we went through Ohio, Pennsylvania and Up State New York. I have now officially seen all 5 Great Lakes. Huron was the only one that I hadn't yet seen but that changed when we crossed the border from Canada into Michigan.
Back in the United States. Home Sweet Home! Decided to have lunch at a Big Boy in Michigan. The food was good as I remember from years ago. Its far and few between these days to find a Big Boy.
June 2-4, 2017
Our little weekend trip to Niagara Falls comes to an end. Hopefully we made memories of a lifetime for Gracelyn. I know we made memories for Charlie and I for the rest of our lifetime. Now I'm home planning the next getaway. Can hardly wait!!
While on vacation Gracelyn made a bucket list. She rattled off the first 6 destinations and then I had to start naming states. She picked the ones that sounded good to her I guess. She told me Hawaii next, Grammy!! She dreams big....
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My Mothers Obituary
For those that wont see the obituary in the paper, but would like to see it, I am sharing it on my blog.
Before her passing on Monday, Patricia Rentz had spent the past 64 years spreading sunshine into the lives of everyone that she knew. She leaves a trail of laughter, generosity, wisdom and memories.She was the strength to her family and was always there to pick up the pieces for those that needed her. She loved helping others and often took in those that needed a home, a meal, a hug and some direction.
Patricia was born to Francis and Shirley Patnaude on February 25, 1948 in Elkorn, Wisconsin. Her father, Francis, precedes her in death. Patty was raised in a big family and is survived by her mother,Shirley, and 7 siblings. Ilene (Dan) Bailey, Leona (Harlan) Wagner, Larry (Clarise) Patnaude, Dean (Sandy) Patnaude, Grace (Gene) Nickel, John (Nan) Patnaude and Shirley (Gary) Coulman.
Pat met the love of her life at Admiral, a factory that they both worked at, in the late sixties. She married John Rentz on July 6, 1968. Together, they built a home full of love and affection for their 3 childrenin Woodstock, Illinois. She welcomed many people into her home during the course of her life. She always had a welcoming and beautiful smile, she was very witty and filled every ones life with lots of laughter. She made friends very easily, as everyone loved her sense of humor and personality.
John preceded her in death and left her a widow in 1999. She is survived by her children, Tammy (Charlie) Gauf, Tina (Chris) Brooks and George Rentz.
Pat touched the lives and was a favorite Aunt to many of her nieces and nephews. She was a mother figure, role model, and confidant to them. She often took them in, gave them motherly advice and most of all showered them with the love they needed when they needed it most.
Pat loved her grandchildren most of all and will be greatly missed by them. She leaves behind countless memories of trips to the zoo, water parks, picnics, family gatherings but most of all her generous heart full of love for each and every one of them. Nick, Nicky, Samantha, Dakota, Johnna, Carson, Skyler, Emmy and Marc and great granddaughter Gracelyn will always remember Nana and Grandma with the fondest of memories.
Patricia was loved by many and will be missed. She suffered a terminal illness that wasn't well understood. She donated her brain to science in high hope that someone will benefit in the future. She chose to be cremated. There will be a private ceremony for close Family and Friends to celebrate her life
Before her passing on Monday, Patricia Rentz had spent the past 64 years spreading sunshine into the lives of everyone that she knew. She leaves a trail of laughter, generosity, wisdom and memories.She was the strength to her family and was always there to pick up the pieces for those that needed her. She loved helping others and often took in those that needed a home, a meal, a hug and some direction.
Patricia was born to Francis and Shirley Patnaude on February 25, 1948 in Elkorn, Wisconsin. Her father, Francis, precedes her in death. Patty was raised in a big family and is survived by her mother,Shirley, and 7 siblings. Ilene (Dan) Bailey, Leona (Harlan) Wagner, Larry (Clarise) Patnaude, Dean (Sandy) Patnaude, Grace (Gene) Nickel, John (Nan) Patnaude and Shirley (Gary) Coulman.
Pat met the love of her life at Admiral, a factory that they both worked at, in the late sixties. She married John Rentz on July 6, 1968. Together, they built a home full of love and affection for their 3 childrenin Woodstock, Illinois. She welcomed many people into her home during the course of her life. She always had a welcoming and beautiful smile, she was very witty and filled every ones life with lots of laughter. She made friends very easily, as everyone loved her sense of humor and personality.
John preceded her in death and left her a widow in 1999. She is survived by her children, Tammy (Charlie) Gauf, Tina (Chris) Brooks and George Rentz.
Pat touched the lives and was a favorite Aunt to many of her nieces and nephews. She was a mother figure, role model, and confidant to them. She often took them in, gave them motherly advice and most of all showered them with the love they needed when they needed it most.
Pat loved her grandchildren most of all and will be greatly missed by them. She leaves behind countless memories of trips to the zoo, water parks, picnics, family gatherings but most of all her generous heart full of love for each and every one of them. Nick, Nicky, Samantha, Dakota, Johnna, Carson, Skyler, Emmy and Marc and great granddaughter Gracelyn will always remember Nana and Grandma with the fondest of memories.
Patricia was loved by many and will be missed. She suffered a terminal illness that wasn't well understood. She donated her brain to science in high hope that someone will benefit in the future. She chose to be cremated. There will be a private ceremony for close Family and Friends to celebrate her life
Sunday, February 19, 2012
My dearest Emmy,
I have read your post yesterday and swore I was going to stay out of it...and then I just read the post that you put on your FB about coming to see us and decided that I wasn't going to just sit here quietly! First and foremost, I want you to know that I love you unconditionally no matter what you say or do. With that being said, your using the Rentz Family to make your Mom mad and that is just not right. I don't know the details of your issues with your Mom and you might have some legitimate reasons for being mad at her. There are so many other factors that play into this that you are just to young to understand. You cant possibly understand that your Mother loves you with every with every inch of her soul. You cant understand that because you have never carried a baby for 9 months and had her delivered into your arms. You have never gone through the easy years of dirty diapers, throwing up, falling down, getting boo boos, being sick with a high fever, etc...like I said the easy years. Then came those teen years. Wow...I can guarantee when your Mom held you in her arms for the very first time....she never knew what she had just signed up for....the Teen Years! These are the years that as parents we probably make our most mistakes and almost always make the most with our oldest child. We cant help it. You begin to grow apart and we begin to hold on tighter. We don't want you to go through any of the painful things that we went through. We want you to listen to us because we have been there and we know. If you would just listen you would have a GREAT life! Right? Well, not exactly. You have to make your own mistakes and you have to do your own thing whether we like it or not. Its your life...not ours. But that doesn't mean that we are not going to try and make you see it our way. That doesn't mean that we are not going to worry to death about the decisions that you are making. And of course, when it all falls apart like we knew it would..we will be there to pick up the pieces...but you better be ready for an I told you so and now can you please get your act together! That's what we do...we are Mothers! There will always be a big debate about why you didn't grow up knowing us...and there are two sides to that story with both sides actually feeling justified that they did the right thing...or wrong thing depending on which side your sitting on. However, my sweet niece, we are only fun because we didn't have the opportunity to guide you through your growing years. We have never had to hold you responsible for anything because we simply weren't there to be a part of that. We would have...we would have held you accountable just like I am going to hold you accountable right now. Don't use us to hurt your Mom. We love you and don't deserve that. Your Mom loves you and deserves to not have your dirty laundry aired all over Facebook! Let me tell you a story...when I was a teenager I couldn't wait to get away from my Mother. She was a control freak and thought she could run my life. It is actually why I live in Wisconsin. I left the state to get away from her. Now, years later, I know my Mom was a control freak...but I understand that there is so much more to it. There was her childhood, her own insecurities, her upbringing, her pain and her experiences that she was trying to protect me from. She didn't understand that if she protected me from everything and only did what she wanted that I wouldn't be truly living my life...I would be living what she wished she had lived. I understand so much more because I have carried babies for 9 months and I have loved them, cared for them and made mistakes with them. Everything that I did, I did out of love! Can you believe that I have tried to protect them from making the biggest mistakes of their lives? This fun Aunt! The one that is always cool?! Yep, I have! I had to learn to hold on loosely but never let go! I still pick up the pieces when things go bad for them. Oh how I wish I could go back to the easy years. When they turned 18 I was so excited. My job was almost done....HaHaHa! Laugh was on me. There problems only got worse after 18 and I cant fix them anymore. I cant put a band aid on it and kiss it all better. It doesn't stop me from worrying and crying and trying to preach to them about what they should be doing. Then they snap at me and I realize that I crossed the line because they are adults now. So, give your Mom a chance sweetie, she is trying to Hold on loosely but it is not an easy thing to learn to do. Don't throw us in her face. She felt she was doing the right thing years ago and who knows ...maybe she did, maybe she didn't...but its all in the past now. Embrace your entire family, don't play them against each other, be an adult and always try to find the compromise. I love you and I hope I helped you understand this a little better! Love, Aunt Tammy
I have read your post yesterday and swore I was going to stay out of it...and then I just read the post that you put on your FB about coming to see us and decided that I wasn't going to just sit here quietly! First and foremost, I want you to know that I love you unconditionally no matter what you say or do. With that being said, your using the Rentz Family to make your Mom mad and that is just not right. I don't know the details of your issues with your Mom and you might have some legitimate reasons for being mad at her. There are so many other factors that play into this that you are just to young to understand. You cant possibly understand that your Mother loves you with every with every inch of her soul. You cant understand that because you have never carried a baby for 9 months and had her delivered into your arms. You have never gone through the easy years of dirty diapers, throwing up, falling down, getting boo boos, being sick with a high fever, etc...like I said the easy years. Then came those teen years. Wow...I can guarantee when your Mom held you in her arms for the very first time....she never knew what she had just signed up for....the Teen Years! These are the years that as parents we probably make our most mistakes and almost always make the most with our oldest child. We cant help it. You begin to grow apart and we begin to hold on tighter. We don't want you to go through any of the painful things that we went through. We want you to listen to us because we have been there and we know. If you would just listen you would have a GREAT life! Right? Well, not exactly. You have to make your own mistakes and you have to do your own thing whether we like it or not. Its your life...not ours. But that doesn't mean that we are not going to try and make you see it our way. That doesn't mean that we are not going to worry to death about the decisions that you are making. And of course, when it all falls apart like we knew it would..we will be there to pick up the pieces...but you better be ready for an I told you so and now can you please get your act together! That's what we do...we are Mothers! There will always be a big debate about why you didn't grow up knowing us...and there are two sides to that story with both sides actually feeling justified that they did the right thing...or wrong thing depending on which side your sitting on. However, my sweet niece, we are only fun because we didn't have the opportunity to guide you through your growing years. We have never had to hold you responsible for anything because we simply weren't there to be a part of that. We would have...we would have held you accountable just like I am going to hold you accountable right now. Don't use us to hurt your Mom. We love you and don't deserve that. Your Mom loves you and deserves to not have your dirty laundry aired all over Facebook! Let me tell you a story...when I was a teenager I couldn't wait to get away from my Mother. She was a control freak and thought she could run my life. It is actually why I live in Wisconsin. I left the state to get away from her. Now, years later, I know my Mom was a control freak...but I understand that there is so much more to it. There was her childhood, her own insecurities, her upbringing, her pain and her experiences that she was trying to protect me from. She didn't understand that if she protected me from everything and only did what she wanted that I wouldn't be truly living my life...I would be living what she wished she had lived. I understand so much more because I have carried babies for 9 months and I have loved them, cared for them and made mistakes with them. Everything that I did, I did out of love! Can you believe that I have tried to protect them from making the biggest mistakes of their lives? This fun Aunt! The one that is always cool?! Yep, I have! I had to learn to hold on loosely but never let go! I still pick up the pieces when things go bad for them. Oh how I wish I could go back to the easy years. When they turned 18 I was so excited. My job was almost done....HaHaHa! Laugh was on me. There problems only got worse after 18 and I cant fix them anymore. I cant put a band aid on it and kiss it all better. It doesn't stop me from worrying and crying and trying to preach to them about what they should be doing. Then they snap at me and I realize that I crossed the line because they are adults now. So, give your Mom a chance sweetie, she is trying to Hold on loosely but it is not an easy thing to learn to do. Don't throw us in her face. She felt she was doing the right thing years ago and who knows ...maybe she did, maybe she didn't...but its all in the past now. Embrace your entire family, don't play them against each other, be an adult and always try to find the compromise. I love you and I hope I helped you understand this a little better! Love, Aunt Tammy
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Be Careful!
I havent blogged in forever but why not? Today was an interesting day to say the very least. Just as I was getting out of the shower and getting ready for work the school called. Dakota took off his mask in welding class the day before and was now suffering from a flash burn. Spent most of the day in Urgent Care and at the Eye doctor and luckily Dakota will not suffer any permanant damage. Im thankful that he will heal and all will be well in our world tomorrow but it makes me think about rules. We have rules and procedures for a reason. So the next time that it would just be easier to break the rule or procedure maybe we should think about the things that we take for granted like our sight! Lucky for Dakota that he will be able to see and read precautions and procedures!
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