Tuesday, August 12, 2008

What I learned at Church!

This is what I have learned this week:

Things that we enjoy in our lives can be catatorigized into 3 different catagories:




Now write down all of the things that you like and love ~

Now start to put them in the correct catagory ~ Rubber should have the things that would be okay if we didnt do them - shopping, internet usage, tv watching - etc...its things we like but we could bounce right back from them if we didnt do them

Metal is the things that if we didnt do them - we would hear a lot of noise when dropped and would make things uncomfortable - not attending your child's sporting event, forgetting your spouses birthday -etc...

Glass is the things in our lives - that if we dropped them - they would break - our relationships....

We need to strive to never have broken relationships

Our Pastor went on to say this ~ this is what the Bible gives as a priority list:

Personal Relationship with God
Relationship with Spouse
Relationship with Children and extended family members

We need to remember and attend to these priorities and it all makes sense to me. I felt a huge message from this past Sundays Sermon and wanted to share it with you all. I hope it helps someone else that needs to hear this message. I know it helps me put my relationship with my children and husband into prospective and that maybe when they are all grown up I really will be ok...because I will still have my top 2.

Love you all and God Bless,

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